Danielisms and birthdays

This morning at the breakfast table:  “Mommy, I don’t like my body.”  This was totally weird, and as he said it in English he definately picked it up from school.  So I asked the teacher and she thought it might be one of the assistants that is forever on a diet

Then, this evening, as we were drying the girls and about to take out the hairdryer to dry their hair:  “gaan julle die sussies warm maak?”

We are off to a kids party tomorrow and not much else for the weekend.  My sister turned 30 this week, but we couldn’t find a babysitter for Saturday night, so I’m sending to hubby to help her boyfriend braai, so I’ll have a rare couple of hours to myself.  Hubby wants to invite In-laws, BIL and SIL and their kids over for lunch on Sunday, so we’ll see…

11 thoughts on “Danielisms and birthdays”

  1. I think so too, in a way it is cool that we speak Afrikaans at home and English at school, then I know immediately where he picked something up.

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