Happy thoughts

It really feels like there is an air of doom and gloom around me at the moment and people all around me are going through really hectic stuff.  I’m beginning to also feel like there is some catastrophe lying in wait for me around the corner.

I had coffee with an ex boss of mine today and she gave me the proverbial kick up the backside – thanks Adie!

So, I have decided to list some of the things I have to be grateful for

1.  3 healthy children (mostly)
2.  a wonderful husband
3.  a job (yes, even though I complain)
4.  a fantastic support structure
5.  my parents and inlaws are all still alive, healthy and very much part of their grandchildrens’ lives
6.  a house I can call my own
7.  reliable transport
8. being able to be who I am

I used to keep a Gratitude Journal and write down 5 things every night that I had to be grateful for.  Once you have run through the normal stuff listed above it gets really hard to find initially to find 5 things to be grateful for everyday, but I had such a mind shift it was amazing.  I think I must try this again.

I’m also finally reading eat pray love and am LOVING it, maybe that’s why I’m thinking about all this existential stuff.  Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and feel free to add things to be grateful for!

3 thoughts on “Happy thoughts”

  1. Its good to reminded that we are so blessed. I also had a gratitude journal, but also gave up. Maybe we should blog every day what we are grateful for…

  2. Eat Pray Love – I just adored the Texan that called her Groceries. Also been trying to think of the one word that describes me… like Sex for Italy. Haven’t found it yet.
    I also gave up with the journal but still do the gratitude bit – everything from having running water to smiling to listening to birds sing. Once you get going again it gets easier.

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