My spectacular weekend

I’m sitting here sucking on my special Easter Bunny chocolate with popping candy, clutching a well-deserved glass of wine and pondering the long weekend.

And wondering what I actually did this weekend.  Sure, I met some great people at a tweet-up on Friday morning that I’ve been dying to meet for ages, we had friends over for supper on Saturday night, all the Grandparents over for Easter Sunday lunch and popped out for an Easter Egg hunt this morning with friends.

But we didn’t really go anywhere or do anything spectacular.   We had a weekend of lolling around the house like sloths and spending time with the kids.  We took naps and turns to sleep in.  We ate really simple and easy food.  We read our books.  We watched the rain.

And that’s just perfect.  We had a perfect weekend.  Just what we needed.

Oh. I almost forgot.  Daniel had this weird thing going on with his neck along with tonsillitis and ear infection.  The side of his head was almost touching his shoulder and we initially thought it might be mumps (Wednesday and Thursday) then we thought he was being a drama queen (Friday, and in all fairness it looked like his neck wasn’t stiff the whole time), but by Saturday we were really worried so I took him to the doctor on Saturday morning.  Turns out the little guy had a hectic muscle spasm.  Bad, Bad Parents.

I’m off to work tomorrow but off again on Wednesday, loving this short week and another long weekend, woohoo!!

ps I didn’t do Meat-free Monday today.  Etienne made a pasta dish with leftovers (yes, I ate leftovers, I can hear you gasp!) and it had pork in it.  And it was delicious!

pps I finished a book called “City of Bones” this weekend by Cassandra Clare and it was perfect escapism.  I don’t normally enjoy fantasy-type books but this was just what I needed, loved it!