This entire past weekend it felt a little like I was either being hurtled toward disaster or barely escaping it.
It was my Dad’s birthday on Saturday and we had offered to cook him and my Mom a meal, seeing as how my Mom is still out of action due to a dislocated shoulder. I also (studiply) promised him a cheesecake which I’ve never tried before.
After a bit of a slow start on Saturday morning (blame Whine Club from the night before) we flung ourselves at the mercy of Stodels before I went screaming through the neighbourhood to get Daniel to a party at 11h00. I was meant to do my Dad’s cheesecake first thing in the morning, but thought I could drop Daniel off and then go back home and do the cheesecake. No such luck. (I’d never dropped Daniel off and left him at a party before and I was hoping I could do that on Saturday. Alas)
He eventually said that I could leave him, giving me just enough time to drive to Willowbridge to see if I could buy a cheesecake. Nope, no such luck.
Back to the party I went to collect Daniel, only to have Etienne call and say that the alarm had gone off at my In-Laws’ house* and he was going there with the girls to check it out. 10 minutes later he calls and asks me to fetch the girls so off I went to collect them and back to the party (which by now was actually long over, but there was a bunch of lovely Moms, the kids were having fun and I just couldn’t be arsed to deal with my Cheesecake Crisis. And there was wine.)
Eventually I dragged the kids off home, just in time to start supper. At this point I realised that Cheesecake was just not going to happen, so Pavlova for dessert it was. So now I have several containers of cream cheese in the fridge, I really have no excuse not to make the bloody cheesecake.
When I opened my handbag when we got home everything was wet inside, including my iPad cover and the iPad, so that went straight into the rice. I was not happy at all, I was baffled by what could have happened until I picked up a bag of sweets that Daniel got at the party this morning to find it wet. There was a waterballoon inside that had popped in my bag. At least the iPad seems fine, phew, I would have been very upset.
Saturday night was a veritable hurl-fest for me (No, I didn’t have *that* much to drink) so not much sleeping got done, but life goes on. We wanted to take the kids out for lunch yesterday and ended up at Eaglevlei. We hadn’t been there in a while, but used to love it.
From the minute we walked in we could see that things aren’t what they used to be. It used to be a really great restaurant with outstanding service. They have expanded the seating in a big way, but with pub-type wooden benches and the menu seems smaller. They now also have a Sunday Buffet and we despise buffets.
The dining experience wasn’t too bad (you can’t really mess up a salad), but it felt like they had taken elements of a fine dining restaurant and slapped it with some Spur. Very weird. I don’t think we’ll be going back in a hurry. And I don’t care if you think I’m a food snob.
What did you get up to this weekend?
*a couple of assholes had taken a crowbar and broken the steel front gate as well as the front door, grabbed the 2 tv’s in the house and made a run for it. They were literally in and out within a minute. My In-laws luckily are away at the moment, so no-one got hurt, but it is really not cool. Also, the audacity of robbing someone at 2pm on a Saturday afternoon in full view of the street is astounding.
PS: this is a very long and rambly post, I know. But it’s done now.