We have now been parents for 8 years and during this time there have been things I have said, BC (Before Children), that I would never do and ended up doing.
Allow them to eat junk food. Ever. Ok, they only get junk food when they’re with my Mom, so I guess I didn’t do too badly there.
Pick things up from the floor of a shopping mall and lick them clean to give to my child. (In all fairness, I usually make Etienne perform this particularly onerous task)
I have done poo nappies, scraped poo out from under my fingernails.
I have mopped up vomit. Repeatedly. In one night.
I have walked around naked with flaming milk-filled boobs in order to feed twins.
Sacrificed many hours of sleep.
Made pots and pots and pots of butternut boiled and mashed to make and freeze for baby-food.
Pram and nap fails.
Trips to the hospital.
Threatened, cajoled and bargained to get kids dressed in the mornings.
If there is one thing I never thought would give me the living heebiejeebies it is pulling the tooth of a 6 year old. I can’t. I just can’t. No matter how much wailing and gnashing of loose teeth, I refuse. I categorically refuse.
This is where I draw the line.
What is there that you categorically refuse to do?