“Nie skooltjie nie, gaan swem by Ouma Hannetjie”
When a Monday morning starts like this I want to go running out the back door – mind you, only after having detached Daniel from my leg as Daddy is not allowed to take him to school these days. (And it’s only a problem until he gets to school, then whoever drops him off is dismissed without as much as a goodbye cuddle.)
I felt very bad, but Daddy gets to drive 7 km to Sanlam and I get to do the trek to town, so guess who is the lucky winner of the drop-off most days? I try not to add it to the bad mother list as yet another black mark (after working full day and also having to give the twins and hubby some attention), but can’t help it.
If there is one thing I have learnt in the last 7.5 months since the girls were born, it is how important a sense of humor is. We end up laughing at endless crying, poo and vomit (oh, don’t get me started!). Sounds slightly insane, but it keeps us sane.. 🙂
the joys of parenthood 🙂
My son still asks every morning whether he has to go to school. The poor child has at least 15 years of this left!