The cake Fairy

Have I mentioned that I’m really happy it is weekend?  In the last 5 minutes or so?

One of those weird days full of happy and not so happy moments. 

A child at Daniel’s school has the measles.  Am I freaked out?  Not yet.  (remember, I’m only a closet hypochondriac!)  The child is in Daniel’s class and he has a younger sister with the girls.  Lots of exposure there.

Every Friday the kids have cake raffle at school.  They each give R2.00 and if you win the cake you have to bring one the next Friday. 

I collected the kids today and they are in 2 different places, but part of the same school.  So, when I collect the girls they are very excited because Mignon won the cake today.  I was really happy for her, but also had that slight panic attack about forgetting the friggin cake for next week.

Off we go to the farm to collect Daniel.  As we leave the teacher says AH! forgot to tell you, Daniel won the cake today!

May everyone have a lovely weekend, please hold thumbs for the Stormers tomorrow!

15 thoughts on “The cake Fairy”

  1. Haha – shame. Double whammy. Can’t you freeze the cakes and send them back next week? LOL!

  2. What kind of cakes will you make? I’m already panicking about my cup cakes for August!You could make dotty cakes like the birthday cakes and call them measle cakes…

  3. Wahahahaha – I LOVE Shell’s idea!
    And Adele’s 😀

    Good luck with dodging the spots! I’m sure if your kids have been immunized, they should be fine! (I said that about chicken pox too, didn’t I? Tristan still got but not as bad).

    Holding thumbs for healthy times ahead! Sorry, I already know the Bulls won 🙁

  4. 2 cakes??
    Sjoe… you have got your work cut out for you on Thursday night. I would actually just go to Woollies.

  5. That’s classic! Are you sure you only have 1 child? You should have 6 kids with that kind of thinking! ‘ducks and runs’

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