Weekend thoughts

We were lucky enough to spend this past weekend in Mount Ceder in the Cederberg and came home yesterday full of the sound of silence. There’s a very special kind of silence out there, I love it.

There is NO signal. Zip. Nada. You could pay R30 for 100mb of wifi data if you *really* wanted to, but I preferred to go without. I did feel like a bit of a douche walking around with my phone though as I use it as a camera. Oops.

I’m not going to carry on about how great it is to unplug, because we all know that it’s always awesome and you wish you would do it more. And then we get home and we hug our high-speed uncapped wifi.

Then, randomly, Daniel wanted to print something and our printer had run out of toner, so off we went to Tygervalley yesterday afternoon, just the 2 of us. Whilst I was busy buying the toner at DionWired he politely comes to tell me that the Lego X-box game he has been coveting for absolute ages is *only* R450. I simply nodded and smiled, he will probably get it for his birthday soon, so there was no way I was buying it.

Fast forward through a haphazard zig-zagging through shops, DionWired bag beeping every time we walk in and out of a shop as they didn’t deactivate it properly and lots of funny looks from security guards and customers when, finally, we reach Naartjie.

All his winter pants are too short and they are having a really cool special on long pants (the only ones he wears anyway), so we made a little investment there. The lady behind the counter very politely tells me what the final total is, just shy of the price of a certain Lego X-box game and my darling son pipes up “Mom! Leave the pants and just buy me the X-box game!”

Cue uncomfortable silence and awkward little giggle from the Naartjie employee.

I’m beginning to realise how easy it was to hide things from them when they couldn’t read and had NO idea of the value of money, even the Sussies are starting to catch on and read far too many words already. Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just disconcerting.

Lastly: I’m not sure my blog is working properly this way, but my WordPress guy has gone awol, so I’m in the market for a WP person if you know of someone. Thanks!

Ok, really lastly: Thank you for reading, thank you for your feedback, thank you for your support. You’re awesome.

4 thoughts on “Weekend thoughts”

  1. Your site is very strange. I can read the post if I click through from the RSS feed, even if I’m not logged in. I can’t see the posts if I just go to the home page though… unless I login.
    I can only comment when I’m logged in.
    Wish I could handle being unplugged! And LOL at the money comment, my boys would say the same thing

  2. LOL, kiddies these days are way to clever!!

    Hmm, unplugging sounds very good right now…

    You’re site is a bit strange, but not hard to figure out 😉

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