Big boy stuff

I made a horrific discovery today.

I was in the shops, looking for a t-shirt for Daniel, when my eye fell on a really cool loud green shirt. So, I do the mental math about what size I should buy, knowing he will be 7 in May and I start paging through the hangers. No size 7-8.


So I look across the ocean of Spider-Man and Ben10 and spot nothing over size 6-7. Then it dawns on me: no more cool small boy stuff for my son, soon he will fall into the no-man’s land of 7-14. We are now venturing into unchartered territory.

Big boy territory.

To say I’m freaked would be a bit of an understatement. All I could think was how I should really just have another baby.

Apparently this is something that happens when your child goes to Grade 1, this wanting to re-Mother, but nothing prepared me for feeling this way. Part of me wants to push him out into the world, but an even bigger part of me wants to keep him in my arms, safe from being stereotyped and bullied and protect him from all the meanness that lurks in the world. But I know that this will also keep him from seeing all the love and the kindness and generosity, even though the hurtful things will stay with him for longer and teach him the biggest lessons.

Now I just need to put on my own big girl panties and deal with it.

How did you cope with your kids getting bigger?

3 thoughts on “Big boy stuff”

  1. Oh I have blogged about the clothes thing before and with girls its really worse. Great thing is Woollies have extended the some girl ranges to older now, I think age 12. I am totally delighted. However Pick n Pay does have one range from age 2 to 14 so have a look there.

    I know, not really the point of the post though.

  2. My 6YO is now wearing 9-10 clothes so we entered the “dude” section of the clothing stores a while ago. It is all happening a bit too quickly for my liking.

  3. Have you been reading my blog? I drink and take happy pills to cope :-p LOL no but honestly clothes shopping SUCKS!! For both boys and girls! There is actually some cool stuff for boys – you just need to shop around a bit. PnP have some cool shirts!!

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