Lovely Blog award

Hi All,

I’m really grateful to Nicki for nominating me for the Lovely Blog award, thanks so much!  Now we just need to meet In Real Life 🙂

The conditions of receiving this award are:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award (done!)
  • Reveal 7 random facts about yourself
  • Choose 5 other people who you believe deserve the award and pass it on

7 Random things about myself.  I don’t even think there’s 7 things people don’t know about me by now..

  1. I’m a closet wannabe home-maker-type-person.  I have several books on crocheting and making quilts etc, but I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with it right now. And I’m besotted with Pinterest. It’s a very baaaad thing.
  2. I can’t wait for my girls to start playing with dolls so that we can build houses and make clothes and stuff.
  3. I’m happy as a lark if I’m huddled on the couch, electronic device (that connects to the internet) in hand and talking to my friends on the interwebs.  I’m a terrible communicator and I suspect Etienne knows much more about my feelings from reading my blog and my twitter stream than he ever will from having an actual conversation with me.  Sad but true. (this statement excludes the die hard really important stuff)
  4. I am completely haunted by a friendship that ended badly a few months ago.  I know I need to move on and let it go but I have a stinking suspicion that I won’t be able to let it rest before there is some kind of confrontation.  Which I really dread.
  5. I have secretly started another blog.  Purely because I want to split up the writing and food stuff and I want to keep all my recipes in one place.  It’s still a work in progress so I’ll keep it really simple and just post links from here.  It’s like my own special little play place..
  6. I have a really really good sense of smell.  Which is great to pick out perfume, but a curse when you have to deal with poo, vomit and cat pee.
  7. I love having a hectic house.  I wish I had a huge big old house on a massive plot with loads of dogs and cats and children running around. I absolutely love having a house full of life.

I nominate the following fellow bloggers for this award:

Debbie.  She juggles 3 kids, a house and runs a business with her husband.

Candice or Dr Candice to the world.  She rocks. 

Sally who is the type of Mom I wish I could be.

Camilla who is one of the most creative and inspirational women I’ve ever met.

I have so many blogs that I read and love, I’m almost nervous to mention someone here..

9 thoughts on “Lovely Blog award”

  1. You so deserve a lovely blog award! And once again your links have led me to new wonders – Pinterest is amazing!

  2. Congrats. And ditto on no6 and no7 for me. I have such a  good nose it’s creepy. And yes, a big rambling house. With a huge kitchen and a table in the middle.  

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