Hanging with the kids

On Friday evening we went out for supper with friends to a pizza place in an open mall. We enjoy going there because there’s a fountain, a tree and lots of space to run. There’s also always a bunch of kids that we may or may not know.

I love watching the way the kids organise themselves quickly into running groups and gladly hang off the tree or play in the water. There’s no judgement. No appraisal to see if someone looks socially or physically acceptable. Just the sheer joy of playing.

It also occurred to me that we spend a fair amount of time, money and energy on things to keep our children occupied when often they are quite happy with an open space, some crayons and a sheet of brown paper.


Oh to be a carefree child again!

Ps. I realised this morning that I didn’t leave our house once this weekend. I spent plenty of time hanging out in the garden, but I didn’t set a foot in the road for a walk and I didn’t go to the shops. Must be some kind of record.

5 thoughts on “Hanging with the kids”

  1. I love those weekend when you don’t leave – I actually strive for them!!

    Yip – my 10 year old boy spent hours playing with his sister and all the boxes our wedding gifts came in. They built houses and forts and had so much fun – with empty boxes :))

  2. We were there on Friday eve too but at Hussars Grill.
    Love the center and that kids can be outside playing.
    Would love a weekend of not leving the house…..but not really a reality at the moment

  3. I just need to see my little ones rather playing with empty boxes than with expensive toys to know how true this is. My ideal weekend is one where I get home on a Friday and only go out again when I leave for work on a Monday. It rarely happens, I am lucky and happy to just have a Saturday too.

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