Mom, redeemed. Ish.

After another lovely night last night (read: dripping sarcasm) I left my sleeping boy and a sleeping Isabel at home this morning with the idea that I would pop into the office and be home lunchtime.

But, when Nanny (sounding slightly hysterical) called at 10h00 to tell me that Isabel was running a 39.3 temp and my Mom had left to go to the shops as my thermometer is “broken” I just thought: Fuck Screw Bugger this.  I packed up my laptop, got in my car and came home.  Enough with the Mommy guilt.  They are MY children, NOT my Mom’s.  And of course shed a tear or two in the car.

Then, because I resolved to not give my children any more antibiotics than I absolutely have to in 2010 and wanted to rather go to a homeopath, I tried the homeopath and couldn’t get an appointment, so in desperation I ended up calling the Pead.  Good thing I did, she has a raging ear infection and we have to take her back in 10 days to check that she is better, otherwise she needs to get gromits.   God.  At least Mignon is still healthy.

Then, after keeping an eye on Daniel for the rest of the avie, I decided to go and get his script as well.  So, I made it through the first half of the first month and already have 2 of the children on antibiotics.  Sigh.

Lastly, a quick Danielism:  We bought Daniel play-binoculars and he spent the whole avie walking around with them stuck to his eyes saying he is “spying” things.  He even had to “spy” his food before he tried it…  I had a special trip to the shops with him today, we had a really nice chat, my sweet little man πŸ™‚

21 thoughts on “Mom, redeemed. Ish.”

  1. Heh heh. You sound like a terrific mom!

    I can’t belive I just read a blog about someone’s day.. it’s so unlike me.
    I’m one of those ‘Captain Intense’ ‘Purpose driven’ hooligans who reads self help nonsense all the time.

    I hope Daniels’ ear gets sorted quick! That stuff hurts like hell!

  2. So sorry Isobel and Daniel are sick. You’re not breaking your resolution though – you’re not giving them antibiotics unless you absolutely have to. And with ear infections you absolutely have to – can’t mess around with those bugs! Sterkte. And BTW you are so a wonderful mum!

  3. Try not to stress to much on the antibiotics, sometimes you just have to give it to them. also ask your homeopath for something that will make the negative effects of antibiotics less, they have some good stuff

  4. Here’s to February being atibiotic-free! Ag shame, good luck.
    And the mental picture of Daniel walking around with the binoculars are just too cute! Picture?

    Have a nice day and take it easy on the mommy guilt trip – your not supposed to be perfect!

  5. Sorry to say that this ear and throat infection and the tummy bug are doing the rounds in D/Ville at the moment. Jess is on antibiotics, our doc is very loathe to give them but said it is the only thing that clears this up!
    You are a great Mommy, love the Danielisms, what a lovely young man he is going to be. xxxx

  6. Here’s to a “Mommy Guilt” free 2010 (antibiotics serve a purpose, guilt don’t).

    Minki found a little torch, so now she is “reading” with the torch, shines it on her food when she eats, shines it in your face when she speaks to you, shines it on her bum when I change nappies, shines it in the fridge to find a snack, and, and, and ** sigh** .

  7. We must resolve to banish the ugly Mommy guilt thing — it’s so nineties! πŸ™‚ Poor Isabel, ouchie. Love Daniel’s spying!

  8. I would have said the exact same thing! The first word that is πŸ˜€
    I loved this post, not to enjoy someone else’s bad luck, but because you say it like it is, and it sounds just like my life πŸ™‚

    I say every year – NO TO ANTIBIOTICS! And we generally make it to the end of Jan. So, one week left. Trying to keep savings in the med aid just doesn’t work when you have kids.

    As for mommy-guilt, is there any mommy out there that doesn’t feel guilty at some point? You are a fantastic mom, don’t forget that!

    Love the binoculars story! A pic would be great πŸ™‚

  9. Mwah mwah mwah!
    We gave up on MSA last year, prefer to claim the money back from tax. It works a lot better for us πŸ™‚

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