Breastfeeding twins and other random thoughts

There was a lively discussion on a lovely post weebee did today and I thought I would jot down a couple of my thoughts on breastfeeding twins.

First off, I was lucky, as I had already breastfed a singleton, but I know plenty of twin (and triplet!) moms that breastfed.  BUT when you breasfeed a single baby you normally keep the baby in front of you, whereas I found the easiest way to feed the girls was the “football” hold.  I tried some of the other positions, but was most comfortable with this.  The biggest difference was in the way that they had to latch, which my fabulous clinic lady sorted out for me, no problem.  Once I got over myself, I was able to feed them at night all by myself.  The hardest thing to figure out was how to get them from the cot to the bed that I used to sit on and get them positioned and latched.  I got it down to a fine art and it used to take about 40 minutes to get them fed, change nappies, winds out and back to bed.  The only thing that used to get me down was the reflux. Nothing like breastfeeding 2 babies and then they hurl it all up.

Also, we are blessed with two little girls who absolutely love their sleep and they both slept through from 8 weeks.  I am convinced it is because we kept them together in the same cot, all snug.  It did of course help that they weighed in at 3.5 kgs each at birth..

Here is a pic of them a couple of weeks old.  Still a bit yellow and I am holding on to Mignon’s thumb that we had painted with nail varnish just to be sure we don’t mix them up!

Ag man, I’m having such flashbacks now.  ‘sigh’

14 thoughts on “Breastfeeding twins and other random thoughts”

  1. aaaaaaaaa how stunning….. So breastfeeding twins is do-able. How long did you breastfeed for?

  2. They are both soooo cute (still today are :-))

    You were lucky having such “big” babies – twins normally weigh much less!

    Have a great day!

  3. Aw! I love love love baby pics! It’s so hard to believe they were once so small (and yet so big! both weighed more than my little ones).
    Always wondered how moms of multiples handled breastfeeding!

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