Hospital stories

Yep, Isabel and I are in hospital.  After yet another night of fevers and her battling to breathe by this morning I cracked.  And packed her bag before we left the house.  I had a feeling..

Official diagnosis: Pneumonia.  She has been prodded and poked and stuck holes into and x rayed for the most of today and every time she cried I cringed.  And played the blame game.

It looks like we’ll be here until Friday.  On the upside I get to spend alone time with her and we’ve had loads of fun walking the corridors and playing with her hair.  And chatting of course.

Here is a pic of my ‘very sick child’ with about 20 hairclips in her hair:  (Check the drip she has on for the intravenous antibiotics, I of course only realised much later that it is in the wrong arm as she is left, yet another parenting fail)

Tonight is the first night Mignon and Isabel have ever spent apart.  Hubby battled until 9pm to get Mignon off to sleep and

Isabel has finally settledjust got woken for another neb session.  The night ahead might be very interesting and I need to get some work done so I’m going to toodle off..

28 thoughts on “Hospital stories”

  1. Aw Im so sorry, poor baby! I hope she feels better soon, give her lots of cuddles from blogland! xxx

  2. AW, she is smiling, even with the drip in her little arm. Dont play the blame game doll, you are doing the best you can for your baby. *lots of love and hugs* x x x

  3. Shame I really feel for you & Isabel. Will keep you both in my thoughts tonight. While I’m up with Mr Tantrum – I’ll be thanking the big man upstairs that it’s ‘just’ a tantrum, and nothing serious!

    Isabel looks just as sick as my two wheh they’re ill! And that’s why there’s no telling that they’re sick!

    Good luck for the night ahead – I hope the time flies! As quickly as possible anyway. And maybe you get some work done!

    And STOP THE GUILT TRIP!!!! She looks so healthy, how were you to know!


  4. Give her lots of cuddles and kisses and remember that she is in the best place to get proper care!

  5. Oh no Tania!! And she is still smiling….. Good luck – hope you at least got a bed to sleep in….

  6. Oh she does look very poorly! 🙂 Shame Tania, I can’t imagine the whole hospital trip – must be intense. I know you can’t help yourself but try not to go down the guilt trip road. I bet you a doctor would also have looked at her initially and said just sniffles – she’ll be fine. Tell her to work on her sick face for future. Being happy smiley doesn’t help with diagnosing illness. Loads of hugs to you guys.

  7. Ek is seker kinders in hospitale “freak” jou heeltemal uit. Was enige van jou ander kinders ook al in die hospitaal?

  8. Poor little pumpkin, my sympathy to you both!
    Hope that you are both doing ok today. Lots of love and hugs. xxxxx

  9. Rivan vir een nag met geelsig op 10 dae, maar niks anders nie.

    Die ergste is om daar te staan en kyk en jy kan absoluut niks doen nie…

  10. Oh poor baby. I know how awful it is to spend time in a ward watching your babe get poked and prodded. And when they wake them up for treatment you want to throw your shoe at their heads. Hope it goes quickly and she is back home soon

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